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Your BODY – Nutrition:
We’ll focus on eating real, whole, unprocessed food, while avoiding all sugar & artificial sweeteners.
CLEARING TOXINS- We will use the Prove It or Meology Challenge as part of the program.
Results: Improved mood, revitalized purpose, lifting of “mind-clouds.”
Your BODY – Exercise:
Trish will offer many tips on adding or upgrading exercise in your life. This companion program of exercise and functional movement will improve your overall health and well being.
Results: Toning begins, muffin middle starts to melt.
Your MIND:
Pam will help us downshift, quiet the chatter, and release negative emotions.
Results: Internal peace.
Study of “The Book Of Joy.” Our text will be The Book of Joy by His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Purchase wherever you buy your books or click here for Amazon:
Results: A new or deepening way of looking at life.
Course begins on Wednesday, March 2nd at 7:30 PM Eastern
Any questions, please e-mail: sahr@lifestylenutrition.us
Would you like to see our intro session? Click here!

Our Promise: We will provide you with the best science-based information, the warmest, most loving instruction, and a safe place to share your thoughts.
Meet Your Coach
Nedra Sahr
Nedra Sahr, MS, CNS, LN, is a member of the American College of Nutrition, and a Field-Science team member of Shaklee Corporation. She, and her husband Gene, live in Eliot, Maine. When she’s not building her nutrition business, or consulting on nutirition, you’ll often find Nedra hiking and kayaking in the summer and snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing and. hiking in the winter. She enjoys helping others “live younger, longer” through adopting wholistic life-style practices.